Well I made it the entire 13.1 miles today....it was a tough one. I had my nike plus freeze up on me around mile 5 and then it started pouring out. Of course I whimped out and ran home to jump on the treadmill and finish up there. BUT I did finish and did it in 2 hours and 20 mins....not bad for my first attempt. That should hopefully put me around 4 and a half hours on marathon day. After running a half marathon we went to buy Mark his big boy car seat. We went into buy buy baby and man do they have A LOT of stuff!! I had no idea there was so much baby stuff in one store. That place put babies r us to shame! We found his britx carseat along with a few other things and headed out. He seemed pretty happy once in it...although I thought he looked a little confused :) He looked like such a big boy sitting there finally facing forward. Sometimes I can't believe that he's a toddler now and growing up...doesn't seem possible.
This afternoon I did another cake and we babysit for a good friend. It was a lot of fun to see the kids playing together and gave Shawn and I good practice for baby number two...someday :). After a long day Im slowing creaking these tired muscles onto the couch for some much deserved R and R.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago