Friday, August 13, 2010

And we're down to one...

So today we officially switched to one nap.  We have been going on and off with the two naps for a few weeks now.  Some days he has seemed like he still needed it and other days it was just a complete fight.   After a late nap, bedtime was becoming a struggle and last night he was up in the middle of the night which NEVER happens anymore.  So today we pushed through the late afternoon and he was a bit cranky but nothing we couldn't handle and bedtime was a breeze!!  There was absolutely no crying and he was sleeping in minutes!  Hopefully that was the beginning of getting us on a great schedule.  It will be nice to have the extra time in the afternoons now and not have to race back home for naptime.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Finding my place

It has occurred to me that finding out who you are as a mom is a tough thing to do.  I was so consumed by Mark being an infant for the past year that it never really was an issue for me.  I was focused on his every need and on breastfeeding.  Now that he is officially a toddler...which I still have a hard time believing that he could be...I have started to look at myself again and think who are you?  It's amazing how much time and energy we put into our children and many times we lose sight of ourselves and what we need for our own self fulfillment.  I have always been a person who has kept myself really busy.  Whether is was in high school, college or in my career.  Everyone who knows me well knows that I take on a million things and somehow manage to get to them all.  I thrive on it.  Now that Mark is a year old and the breastfeeding has stopped I find myself having a lot of extra time.  I have started to consider what this means for me.  As a person who is constantly busy this is a difficult place for me to be in....