Monday, May 28, 2012

A Memorable Memorial Day...

What a great day it turned out to be.  The kids were so excited...and yes I know I go overboard on holidays but come's so fun to see their faces enjoying the magic of a holiday.  Audrey was so excited about her dress she was actually clapping when we put it on!  I just hope that all of these memories will last forever in their minds and they can remember back to these times and cherish their childhood.  I want every second of it to be magic. :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

97 degrees and the sun was shining!  What a great way to get the summer started.  We spent the day outside getting the backyard set up for summer and did some swimming!  Mark was so happy to be outside and playing.  I swear that kid would stay outside permanently if we let him!  The twins came out for a bit too later in the day once it cooled down.  Aiden of course is happy as long as he is doing whatever Mark is doing and Audrey just does her thing.  I love watching them play together and am so excited for the day when they can actually run around the back yard and play together :).