Shawn and I decided to use the ferber method to get Mark on a good sleep schedule. We have heard many success as well as horror stories for these kinds of methods but I think the positive ones gave us some hope that it would work. I decided to keep track of all of the "gory" details on my blog :) I apologize for the overabundance of details but this is also my way of keeping track of whats happening. With the move and trying to unpack and taking care of Mark my memory isn't what it used to be :). Last night we started with his bathtime routine....bath, lotion, diaper and pjs...then reading some books, prayers and nursing. I wait until he is almost asleep but still awake and I put him into his crib. He kind of looked at me like I was nuts :) He went to bed at 7:10...he didnt cry at first...he layed in there for maybe 10 mins and then realized nobody was coming back and started wailing! We went into the room after 3 mins, 5 mins, and 10 mins. It was an awful feeling and I spent most of the time sitting outside his door crying right along with him. I felt awful but I knew it was for his benefit. Shawn and I took turns going in and reassuring him...telling him that it was ok and that we loved him. Our next interval was supposed to be 15 mins but he was sound asleep before that time was up! Shawn and I were able to enjoy some time alone for the rest of the evening which was great! He slept until 3:15. I got up and nursed him and waited until we was almost asleep and then I put him back in his crib. He started crying as soon as I put him in but I went back to bed and set the timer for 15 mins. Shawn went in to check on him after 15 mins and then we set the timer again for another 15 mins. This time he fell asleep at 3:58. He woke again at 4:44 and I went in to reassure him but did not feed him. I went back to bed, set the timer for 15 mins and he was asleep before the first 15 mins were up. He was up at 7am for the day! All in all it wasn't a bad night compared to the 7-8 times he has been getting up at night.
But then came naptime was AWFUL!! I changed his diaper, put on a comfy onesie and nursed him. Once he was almost asleep I put him in his crib and he started screaming!! It was like he knew what was coming. I put him down at 12:25 and set the timer for 15 mins. I went in to reassure him after 15 mins and then set the timer for another 15. He fell asleep at 12:55 and I made the mistake of smiling to myself and feeling confident that I had this under control. WRONG!!! He was up again at 1:15 and was mad! I went in to check on him and reassure him every 15 mins for two hours. It was completely exhausting emotionally and physically. Shawn's parents were here helping us unpack so there was some noise going on downstairs....not sure if that had anything to do with it. We keep white noise on in his room to block out any outside noise while he sleeps so not sure? After two hours I couldn't take any more and I went in to get him. He was so upset and so was I. I had had enough. I will try again tomorrow and see if we can make any progress!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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