Sunday, April 17, 2011

And then there were three....

Being pregnant with twins is hard!  I feel like any complaints that I had while pregnant with Mark were soooo ridiculous!  As time goes on I'm amazed at how my body is changing and adapting to growing two people.  As I continue to grow and change so does our house!  The many projects that are going on have kept us busy all weekend.  The basement seems like a never ending project that we are so anxious to have done we can barely stand it!  We moved Marks changing table into the nursery today and got him a toy bin for his soon to be "big boy room."  It seemed so strange moving it out of his room and realizing that he is no longer a baby.  We still have much of the nursery to complete and the guest room needs painting and furniture it piled up.  It all seems like so much with the babies coming but I know in good time everything will find it's place and we will be ready.  Well, as ready as we can be with a 2 year old and newborn twins :) 

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