Today Mark is 7 weeks old. I can't believe how quickly the time is passing. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. He is growing by leaps and bounds and changing every day. He is constantly smiling and interacting with us! He is usually a great sleeper but last night was up every two hours. I'm not sure why...maybe a growth spurt? I have started reading "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth. So far it makes a lot of sense to me but not much can really be done before four months of age. He suggests that starting this week we should start making his bedtime a little earlier so we will give it a shot :) He also suggests that he should only be awake for two hours at a time and then should go down for a nap. This seems hard to me....sometimes he doesn't want to sleep after two hours? Stay tuned....
every two hours is the worst! what did you do to get him back to sleep? feed him?