Sunday, October 18, 2009

Im going to "tri"

I have decided that I am going to start training for a sprint triathlon.  A sprint consists of a 750m swim, 20km bike ride and a 5k run.  I have been researching different training programs and looking for a training group to join so I can meet other people who have some experience doing this and learn more about the sport.  There are tons of opportunities in this area to compete and lots of room to grow.  I'm really looking forward to getting started.  We move a week from tomorrow so once the move is over and we are settled I can start training!  My main goal is to complete an ironman by the time Im 40!  Good thing I have 8 years to train :)

We spent most of the day packing again...the condo looks like a sea of boxes at this point.  I think we are all looking forward to having this move happen and get some more space and organization.  Only 7 days left!

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