Today was spent packing yet again. It seems like there is no end and the boxes are piling up. Mark ended up not feeling well again. He had a temp of 99.5 and sounded a bit congested. I called the dr to see what I could do and of course it took them 4 hours to return my call. By then I had given him tylenol and let him sleep and the fever broke. Im not sure if he has a cold or maybe just the dust that's been kicked up from pulling things out when packing is bothering him. When we went to plug in the humidifier for him we realized that it was packed away so I made a trip to Target to get another and he's sleeping soundly now. I hope that he has a good night so he can rest and fight off whatever is bothering him.
So I have been researching and contemplating when it would be best to start giving Mark rice cereal. There seems to be two schools of thought on this. On one side they say give it to him at 4 months and the other not until 6 months. The doctor said to do what I feel comfortable with and that it has nothing to do with sleeping through the's an old wise tale. So who knows? I've read that the pediatrics academy and the world health organization say not to give anything until 6 months becaue it could lead to obsesity later in life, digestive problems and trigger allergies. He has been waking up ALOT in the middle of the night the past few weeks so it's got me thinking. Is he really hungry or just waking up to have interaction with us? I think in the end I will probably just wait until he is 5 least that's the middle of the road between the two schools of thought.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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