Hi my name is Megan and I'm a technology junkie. I admit it. I can not live with out it....there I said it :) I made it through Earth Day without any e mail, cell phone, tv, texting, or internet. It was tough. I thought that it wasn't going to be that big of deal...I mean people lived thousands of years without it right? Spending the day without it seriously made me open my eyes to how much I depend on it and abuse it. The amount of things that I was able to accomplish in one day was amazing. I wasn't updating my facebook status, blogging, e mailing or texting. I was able to focus 100% on my son and there is something pretty amazing about that. Now mind you I don't see myself giving up my beloved technology...I just now see the boundaries of when I need to take a step back and appreciate what is going on around me. About a million times on Thursday I was DYING to check my e mail...until it occurred to me that nothing there was nothing in my inbox that couldn't wait until Friday morning. Mark and I had a great day together. We spent the morning planting strawberries..which he loved...the dirt :). In the afternoon we went on a two hour walk in the forest preserve with friends. It was great to eat outside and look at the animals. The end of the day was tough...I am used to relying on Sesame Street to get us through the end of the day...I know I know :) BUT we played and colored and read books and we made it. It was a pretty great day as a whole. I would be lying if I said that I didn't leap for my i phone when I woke up Friday morning :) It was nice to be "connected" again....but I did learn some valuable things along the way!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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