Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I feel like every few months I start reflecting on how much has changed since Mark was born.  It's almost like every three months he becomes a new little person and we both have to find our way again.  Now that he is almost a year old it seems like another lifetime when I was pregnant and unsure of what life was going to be like.  I mean I knew I'd be great with kids...Im a teacher for God's sake :)  After 8 years of working with kids that I really cared about I never in a million years would have been able to imagine what I would feel for this little guy.  I feel like I have given 100% of myself over the past 10 months and it has been worth every second.  My family and friends have been really supporitive and that has helped a lot.  I am proud to say that I have now been breastfeeding him for almost a year.  We will start to wean soon as we near his birthday and that has caused some mixed feelings for me.  I love the bond that has occured from breastfeeding and that's "our" time together.  I will really miss having that special time when we are uninterrupted but I'm also really looking forward to having my body back.  Lately I have been getting some glimpses of myself and I realize that I miss me! :)  Part of me feels selfish for wanting my own time and for thinking about myself but I know that's not the case.  I know that in order to be a great mom I need to take care of myself as well.   The idea of starting my own cake buisness has been really exciting and given me a sense of accomplishment.  It's tough to get the ball rolling but I really feel positive about it!!  Check out the website if you haven't seen it already :)  http://nocache.homestead.com/hstrial-SweetOnMe/index.html

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