Today went really well!! I felt like I saw some positive changes in him. He smiled and laughed a lot today and I realized I haven't seen that side of him in awhile...which then made me sad that my happy guy had not been happy. So here is the low down :)
Sleep: He slept through the night!!! Yay :). He was up at 6am which I hated but he did sleep all night long. I'm praying that it's related to the diet and not just a fluke but I guess only time will tell. It took awhile to get him to nap today...he was yawning a lot but just wanted to play. He finally fell asleep for about an hour and a half so I was pleased with that. He went up to bed around 8 tonight and it took him awhile but by 8:30 he was out. Cross your fingers for another peaceful night.
Food: For breakfast this morning he had his turkey sausage, yogurt and blueberries. He ate everything once again which is amazing to me. He usually just picks at his food and I have to argue with him to eat the smallest amounts. I LOVE that he's eating. For lunch he had a turkey hot dog, green beans and a cheese stick...again he cleared his plate. This afternoon he had some fruit snacks and he wanted marshmallows (who was I to deny my guy who's been eating so well:). At dinner he ate pulled pork, mashed potatoes and broccoli (and ate it all).
I should note that he told me his tummy feels better today...umprompted and his legs are looking a little bit better today. I asked him if they were itchy....he said no...I didn't notice him itching at all today. I should also mention about a week ago we noticed that he has started stuttering. Not sure if it's related or not. He was put on some allergy medicine not too long ago and my fear was that it was making him over excited so we stopped that last Thursday. It does seem to be improving.
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
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