Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In with the new...

Today we went for Mark's 6 month check up.  He now weighs 15 pounds 8 ounces and is 26 inches long.  We went to a new practice today since we now live in the suburbs and driving to the city to see his other dr just seemed plain crazy!  I got a reccomendation for this dr from a few moms from the mom's group I belong to.  He was wonderful!!  He was very relaxed and interacted really well with Mark.  Mark was laughing and giggling and seemed to really love him :)  He was also wonderful about delaying vaccinations and leaving some out.  I felt really comfortable with him and love his methods.  He said that Mark is sitting extremely well for his age and he would not be surprised if he was crawling in 2-3 weeks!  I can't even imagine him crawling :)  He also suggested that we start using a sippy cup.  I was shocked by this...I guess I didn't picture him with a sippy cup until he was a toddler.  I had no idea it started this early but I guess we will give it a try!  We tried carrots again tonight and he still made a few faces but ate half a jar!  I think he's getting used to the taste and the different textures.  I can't belive how quickly he is growing and changing!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

6 months already...

Mark turned 6 months old on Christmas day!  I can't beleive how the time has flown.  I still feel like Shawn and I just were driving to the hospital and getting ready for him to be here.  The past 6 months have gone by so quickly that I can only imagine how the next 6 will go until his first birthday.  I have been doing a lot of thinking the past few days about how much I love being his mother and what an amazing thing it is to be a mother.  I have always known that I wanted to have children but it wasn't until I held him that I fell in love.  Being pregnant was difficult and I certainly wouldn't say I would "love" it :) but I would do it a million times just to experience what I have with Mark.   Motherhood is not what I thought it would be.  I thought about diapers and feedings and general things that go along with taking care of a baby.  I had no idea what an incredible bond exists between a mother and a child.  I love him more than anything in the world and wonder what I was doing before he came along.  I love watching him grow and learn and explore the world.  His smile brightens up my days and his giggles make me giggle.

I have also been thinking a lot about breastfeeding.  I have officially been breastfeeding for 6 months straight....no bottles...no pacifiers....ever.    It has been one of the hardest, most enjoyable things I have ever done.  I love the time that we have together and I think it has made our bond even stronger.  I have really enjoyed breastfeeding him and am proud that I have done it this long.  I have had many dirty looks and stares when I am in public and need to feed him.  Im not sure why people feel so threatened by it??  I know many people have negative experiences but unless it's for a medical reason I think there is no reason you shouldn't be doing it.  Given the time and the patience it's an unbelievable experience.  I plan to continue to breastfeed him until he is a year old.  He gets rice cereal as well now and today we started carrots for the first time but I will also nurse him....no bottles.  Thank you to all of the people that have supported me and not given me negative stories/advice about the subject.  I appreciate all of you!

First time with carrots...not sure if I like them!!

I love my new wagon!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Up and running...

Tomorrow I will get back on the treadmill and attempt a 2 mile run!  I haven't run in a few days and even though I think about it often just don't seem to be motivated for some reason....but I WILL do this!  Stay tuned for tomorrows update :)

We had a great weekend...doing things around the house and my in laws came over to play with Mark and have lunch.  It was great visiting with them and enjoying the new house.  We are hosting our first Christmas Eve and Christmas this year so I'm excited about cooking a big meal and enjoying the holiday.  There are just so many things to be thankful for this holiday I don't know where to start :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

The "weight" is not over.....

When I was pregnat I thought losing the "baby" weight would be easy.  I have lost lots of weight in the past and God knows I know weight watchers inside and out.  I thought it would be no big deal to lose it but here I am 6 months later and still 22 pounds to go.  Granted I have lost 47 pounds so far and I am proud of that but come on!!  I feel like I'm stuck at this spot and there is no difference in my body.  I have decided that as a stepping stone to get myself back to a healthy weight is to sign up for a half marathon.  I miss the days of running before I had Mark.  I'm signing up for a half in June with Liz and plan on sticking to that.  It's not easy to get back into it though!  I started this week and did ok...I was able to run a mile and a half without stopping but it definitely was work!  It's amazing how fast you lose all of the muscle in your body!  I know I will never take for granted being in shape again.  So as I continue to blog about mother I will also dedicate a little spot on my training for the half marathon. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday craziness...

It seems like I always think about updating my blog and never get around to it!  I will blame it on the holiday craziness of the past month.  We have been really busy with shopping and decorating and baking!  Mark made his very first xmas cookies too!  We joined a mom's group which has been great...we have been meeting a lot of moms and kids.  It's so nice to talk to other mom's and get some advice from people who have already done this!  I'm able to get some girls nights out as well as playdates and fun activities for Mark.  We went to see Santa and Mark loved it!  He was smiling and staring at him...trying to figure the whole thing out :)  Christmas is so much fun watching through my sons eyes :)