Saturday, July 31, 2010

13.1 or bust

Well I made it the entire 13.1 miles was a tough one.  I had my nike plus freeze up on me around mile 5 and then it started pouring out.  Of course I whimped out and ran home to jump on the treadmill and finish up there.  BUT  I did finish and did it in 2 hours and 20 mins....not bad for my first attempt.  That should hopefully put me around 4 and a half hours on marathon day.  After running a half marathon we went to buy Mark his big boy car seat.  We went into buy buy baby and man do they have A LOT of stuff!!  I had no idea there was so much baby stuff in one store.  That place put babies r us to shame!  We found his britx carseat along with a few other things and headed out.  He seemed pretty happy once in it...although I thought he looked a little confused :)  He looked like such a big boy sitting there finally facing forward.  Sometimes I can't believe that he's a toddler now and growing up...doesn't seem possible. 

This afternoon I did another cake and we babysit for a good friend.  It was a lot of fun to see the kids playing together and gave Shawn and I good practice for baby number two...someday :).  After a long day Im slowing creaking these tired muscles onto the couch for some much deserved R and R. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Could it be.....

Could it really be two months since I last blogged?  Time seems to be slipping away from me like crazy lately.  Planning Mark's first birthday party was quite a time sucker but worth every minute!  We had a blast and it was so great to celebrate with peole we love.  He seemed to hvae a really good time and ate lots of cake...that momma spent days and days making!  I have been busy trying to get my cake business started which has thankfully been successful.   My training is coming along well...I have 13 miles to tackle tomorrow morning which is more mentally getting to me than anything else.  I have been keeping up with my miles during the week and am hoping that will help me get through the 13.

My new project in life is filling out applications for teaching positions.  I have been going back and forth with it for a few months now and finally decided to send them out.  Im still not positive if I can leave Mark but I figure that sending them out is only the first step and nothing permanent is decided.  Part of me really misses my career that I worked very hard for....the other part of me looks at Mark and thinks "how could you leave him?"  Why is it as mom's we have to make those kinds of decisions?  It doesn't seem fair....and I isn't fair sometimes :)